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Invited Talks & Presentations


The Law of Equal Educational Opportunity, Junior Faculty Roundtable, Boston College Law School, Newton, MA


Commandeering Section 5, University of Mississippi Law School, Judicial Symposium on the Fourteenth Amendment, Oxford, MS


Social Mobility and the Fourteenth Amendment, Marquette University Law School Junior Scholar Works-in-Progress Event, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI


The Spirit of Caste, University of Toronto, Race, Ethics, and Power Project, Toronto, ON (available on YouTube & SoundCloud)


Constitutionalizing the American Dream, Junior Faculty Roundtable, Boston College Law School, Newton, MA


De-Lochnerizing the First Amendment, AALS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (AALS Hot Topic Program: Judicial Rights and Legislative Equality: The Future of Public Accommodations and the Polycentric Constitution after 303 Creative v. Elenis)


Frederick Douglass and the Spirit of Caste, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA


Frederick Douglass’ Caste Theory of Racism, Kaplan Institute for the Humanities, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Selected Conference Participation


Social Mobility & the Fourteenth Amendment, Summer Workshop Series, Boston College Law School, Newton, MA


“There is No Caste Here”: Social Mobility and the Equal Protection Clause, MANCEPT Courts and Politics Workshop, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK


On Repressive and Non-Repressive Law, 15th International Critical Theory Conference of Rome, John Felice Rome Center of Loyola University, Rome, Italy


Anna Julia Cooper’s Anti-Caste Theory of Human Rights, American Political Science Association, Montreal, CA


Law, Rights, and Abolition: Contesting the Discursive Critique of Rights, 14th International Critical Theory Conference of Rome, John Felice Rome Center of Loyola University, Rome, Italy


Frederick Douglass and the Spirit of Caste, Association for Political Theory, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA


Frederick Douglass and the Spirit of Caste, American Political Science Association, Seattle, WA


Republicanism, Abstract Domination, and Slavery in the Americas, The Venice World

Multidisciplinary Conference on Republics and Republicanism, Venice International University,



The Politics of Anti-Caste: Rethinking the Political Limits of Equality Before the Law” Midwest

Political Science Association


Fourth Amendment Consent, JD-PhD Seminar, Northwestern’s Pritzker School of Law, Chicago, IL


The Spirit of Caste: Caste Critique and the Contestation of Racial Subjection in the United States,

Graduate Student Political Theory Workshop, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL


The Concept of Civil Rights in the 19th Century, JD-PhD Seminar, Northwestern’s Pritzker School of Law, Chicago, IL

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